Immunization Requirements

Please log-into theSTUDENT HEALTH PORTAL OR Access via WPconnect > Student tab > under Campus Life 

  • Click on FORMS and tap ENTER/UPLOAD IMMUNIZATIONS, then SELF-ENTER your immunization dates  
  • Click on FORMS again and complete the MENINGITIS RISK QUESTIONNAIRE 
  • Click on FORMS again and complete the MENINGITIS SURVEY 

Please watch this short video for directions:

** MenB vaccine (Trumenba/Bexsero) is NOT the same as MenACWY (Menactra/Menveo) and therefore MenB DOES NOT fulfill the state vaccine requirement for dorming. MenB vaccine is highly recommended but not required for university attendance unless indicated by a YES response on the meningitis risk questionnaire. 

For MINORS (17 and younger) 

The following FORMS must be completed by parents/guardian ONCE for all incoming students 17 years or younger. 

Meningitis Survey & Parental Consent Form

Meningitis Risk Questionnaire



(MMR & Hep B only required to be submitted by students 30 years or younger)

Meases, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) - 2 doses. Any student born after 1956 must provide vaccination documentation of two (2) doses of MMR. The first dose must be administered on or after your first birthday and the second dose must not be administered any less than one (1) month from the first. Laboratory blood tests that demonstrate immunity may be submitted in place of vaccination documentation. We must receive a copy of the blood work results in order to verify immunity.

Hepatitis B - 2 or 3 dose series- NJ State law requires all new incoming students registered for 12 or more credits must provide proof of a completed Hepatitis B vaccine series. This can either be the two (2) dose adolescent series or the three (3) dose pediatric/adult series. Laboratory blood tests that demonstrate immunity may be submitted in place of vaccination documentation. We must receive a copy of the blood work results in order to verify immunity.

Meningitis Vaccine ACYW (Menactra/Menveo)- *1 or 2 doses. NJ State law requires this vaccine to the following students:

1. All resident students who intend to live in the residence life halls must provide documented proof of one dose of the meningitis vaccine. Housing room assignments will not be given until proof of meningitis immunization is provided.
2. All students must show documentation of one dose of Meningitis ACYW received  after the student's 16th birthday.
3. Increased Risk Students-based on meningitis survey response, student may also be required to provide documentation of a completed series of Meningitis ACYW vaccine, regardless of age or residential status.

** MenB vaccine (Trumenba/Bexsero) is NOT the same as MenACWY (Menactra/Menveo) and therefore MenB DOES NOT fulfill the state vaccine requirement for dorming. MenB vaccine is highly recommended but not required for university attendance.

*Two doses of meningitis (MCV4) are recommended for adolescents 11 through 18 years of age: the first dose at 11 or 12 years of age, with a booster dose at age 16. If the first dose (or series) is given between 13 and 15 years of age, the booster should be given between 16 and 18. If the first dose (or series) is given after the 16th birthday, a booster is not needed.

View Meningococal Vaccine Requirement Checklist