Child Development Center Staff

Our Hopes and Dreams

Our hopes and dreams for the program, children, families, and community are inspired by the child centered Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education.

We asked our leaders and teachers to reflect upon the relationship between their hopes and dreams and their view of the child, the classroom environment, the program, and their role as a teacher

Cindy Gennarelli

 I hope that all children have equal access to an early childhood program that embrace children's interests and authentic explorations, that the center's pedagogy considers the child's full of potential, and the environment is filled with natural materials that provide opportunities for experiential learning. I hope that teachers are lifelong learners listening, observing, and documenting children's efforts, strengths, and abilities.

Cindy Gennarelli Director of the WP CDC
& Early Childhood Innovation

Mary Dekker

 Our classroom is our second home, and I want every child to feel like a loved, valued, and respected member of our class family. I hope to create a safe and joyful space full of opportunities for the students to ask questions, share their talents, and express themselves every day. I believe that our students are our best educators, and that their interests and dreams should lead the way as we all learn and grow together!

Mrs. Mary Dekker Preschool Teacher

Lauren Dutch

 My hope is to create a safe, diverse, and stimulating environment which will empower each child to discover their strengths and conquer their challenges.

My dream is for every child to develop a love of learning and the confidence needed to turn every experience into a learning experience both inside and outside of the classroom.

Ms. Lauren Dutch Preschool Teacher

Jorrdin Miller

My hope is for children to feel secure, and confident and know that they are loved by our family unit. I want the children to pursue their intellectual interests and build strong relationships. My dream is for the children to know that they matter and to develop confidence within themselves.

Jorrdin Miller Office Administrator/Substitute Teacher