University Commons Event Types & Room Setup Information

Event Types in 25Live 

There are a wide variety of event types that can be planned in the University Commons. Selecting the correct event type is important because it impacts what is displayed on the University calendar.  The most frequently used event types will be meeting, lecture or reception/banquet.  

  • Meeting – A general meeting to discuss department or club/organization business.
  • Lecture - A presentation by a member of your group or a guest where the guests are sitting in rows of chairs.
  • Performance - Music, theater, comedy, dance, fashion show, and more.
  • Recreational – Arts and crafts, tournaments, fundraisers, etc.
  • Conference – Large scale event that will take place in multiple meeting spaces.
  • Exhibit/Fair – An event that requires rectangular tables around the perimeter of the room, typically for job fairs or club fairs.
  • Reception and Banquet – Includes presentations, guests sitting at round tables, and typically has a meal served.
  • Workshop - interactive session with a facilitator.
  • Dance/Party - social gathering that involves a DJ and dancing.

Room Setups

There are six standard setups that we use in the University Commons.  Each room has a different capacity based on fire code and egress.  Room capacities can be found on 25live or here

Lecture - Classroom - Conf Square.png

Banquet- Exhibit - Cafe.png