Department of Communication

Jumpstart your
communication career

The award-winning Department of Communication helps students unlock their creative potential in fields such as communication studies, media studies, journalism, film, video, audio and radio production, public relations, and theatre and comedy. Here are some key national statistics for communication careers from the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) and PayScale.

Starting Salary

Average Starting Salaries in Communication Fields (NACE)

Noteworthy Mid-Career Communication Jobs and Salaries (PayScale)

Communications Director $88,400 Brand Strategist $80,100 Public Relations Manager $77,900 Interactive/Digital Producer $76,200 News Anchor $73,000
Six months out of graduation

Alumni employed or in graduate school 6 months after graduation

Get Prepared to Succeed

Our communication students write news, conduct research, make films, produce and broadcast TV and radio shows, launch PR campaigns, create and manage social media content, and much more. They learn in state-of the-art facilities, including our HD TV broadcast studios, radio station, film production lab, digital audio production lab, several digital video and audio editing rooms, and our new Social Media Applications Research and Teaching SMART lab.

What You'll Learn

In our array of communication programs, students learn in-demand skills that employers have identified as critical for job candidates, including:

  • Social, cultural, legal, and ethical issues in the field.
  • Ability to research and evaluate problems using communication technologies
  • Technical communication skills
  • Oral, written or visual expression.

Key Skills for
Careers in

as indicated by Employers
and Alumni on LinkedIn

Digital Fluency



Video Production

Public Speaking

Social Media Marketing


*LinkedIn Workplace
Learning Report 2021